Google Adsense-How to SET UP - 5 ways

Start the Sign Up Process

  1. Image titled Set Up AdSense Step 1
    Visit Google’s website and click on the link for “Business Solutions.
  2. Image titled Set Up AdSense Step 2
    Scroll down and click on link for “AdSense,” which should be under “Enhance Your Website.
  3. Image titled Set Up AdSense Step 3
    Click the “Sign up now” button to enter your information. If you already have a Google account, you can enter your username and password, then click “Sign In.”
    • To sign up, you’ll have to fill out the application form that Google provides. You’ll need to provide the website name, the URL, your contact information and your payment information.

Agree to Google’s Policies

  1. Image titled Set Up AdSense Step 4
    Read the basic policies on the application form.
  2. Image titled Set Up AdSense Step 5
    Find the link for the “AdSense Program Policies” and click it. This will open a new window with the legal forms from Google. In order to qualify for the program, you’ll have to agree to post content that meets Google’s guidelines.
  3. Image titled Set Up AdSense Step 6
    Check the boxes next to each policy to agree to abide by each. You won’t be able to set up AdSense unless you agree. Keep in mind that by agreeing, you are entering a legally binding agreement with Google.

Submit the AdSense Application

  1. Image titled Set Up AdSense Step 7
    Review your application to make sure you filled it out correctly.
  2. Image titled Set Up AdSense Step 8
    Submit the application by clicking on the “Submit Information” button.

Wait for Your Acceptance Into the Program

  1. Image titled Set Up AdSense Step 9
    Work on something else until you get the approval email from Google. Usually, you will get the acceptance letter within a couple of days.
    • If you don’t receive an approval email in the specified time frame, you may want to contact Google. It’s possible there was an error on your application.

Set Up Your Website for the Ads

  1. 1
    Locate the HTML code from Google.
    • You can get the code from the email Google sends to you or by logging into your account with Google.
  2. 2
    Post the AdSense code into your HTML code for your website. This new section of code tells browsers where to display the ads from Google.
  3. 3
    Check to make sure you can see Google ads on your website.
    • At first, you may see generic public announcements from Google. Once Google analyzes your content, usually within 24 hours, it will change the ads to content-specific ones.
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